Similar to other social media platforms, the number of members in your Telegram channel or group matters. If your account has many members, it becomes easier to progressively increase the number over time. Of course, you can try to organically increase your member count. There are many tips and ways to get more members on Telegram. However, these methods may take time to yield success in your social media journey. That's why considering buying members is a good idea; it is seen as a quick boost to the number of members you desire.
When promoting your Telegram channel or group, having a substantial number of members is often considered beneficial. While organic growth methods are valuable, some individuals and businesses opt to accelerate their member count by purchasing members. This method is seen as a quick way to boost the perceived popularity of the channel or group. However, there are several important considerations and potential risks associated with buying members:

The maximum response time for Telegram channel members or telegram group members [silent and real ranom] orders is 4 hours and for Target orders, 12 hours
How can I get more Telegram members?
Up to 70,000 users per group and channel